Making Differences

Can’t really think of a good title for this post. However, I have done well in making changes regarding the way I think, which is, more positively! I’ve been keeping up with this lifestyle still since my last post and I’ve been so happy! Of course, we all have our down days…however, mine have been few and far between since I made the radical change in my way of thinking and outlook on life. My roommate and I found a cute new apartment to move in to that’s decently priced, and I picked up a new hobby: taking polaroid pictures! I bought an FujiFilm Instax Mini 8 on Amazon (Here’s the link)! Also, I’ve noticed progress in my kiddos at work after I started using new interventions! It’s the little things! I feel as if I’m making a difference. Hm. Maybe that will be my title. Making Differences. Not only in the lives of others, but also in my own. Also, here’s a silly picture of me drinking a spiked pink lemonade before I saw Ellie Goulding (one of my favs–yet another awesome thing that’s happened to me!!) at Stage AE!
