Toxins & Other Negativities

I’ve been emotionally eating for the past week or so. It’s crazy how what you put into your body can affect your mood and your overall energy for the day. Compared to my normal diet, I’ve been feeling sluggish and just miserable in general. I haven’t wanted to get out of bed, clean my house, or do anything that involved moving of any sort. I’ve been eating like crap and just wallowing in my misery basically. It’s just a never ending cycle. I just really need to break this perpetual loop that I’ve been stuck in.

My body is filled with toxins. Not only from the bad food  and alcohol that I’ve been consuming, but also emotionally. I’ve been engaging in negative self talk, and just letting myself feel sad and lonely. I need to cleanse my body and soul and start fresh. I need to let go of the sadness I am holding onto regarding everything that’s happened in the past week. I cannot dwell. I have to move forward.

One of my favorite quotes:

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.”

I need to get out and experience the world! Even though this specific cycle of mine is recent, I go through this multiple times a month. I need to get my ass out of bed, drink a huge glass of water, and nourish my body and soul with all things positive. I am doing an extermination–abolishing all things negative and toxic in my life! Spring is upon us soon, anyways! Perfect time for a cleaning. I encourage you all to do the same!

If it doesn’t help you grow, let it go.