Holy Crap

13466469_10154207908488787_1350297816604520080_n.jpgHoly crap you guys. That’s all I can really say! How positively AMAZING things have been for me lately…it’s just unbelievable. I have a hard time thinking that this is all just a coincidence…that this is all happening randomly directly after I changed my lifestyle and way of thinking about the world. I have never felt more in touch, in tune, and at peace with myself, God, and the universe than I am right now. Everything has just been so wonderful…my job, my friends, my family, even DATING. I never thought I would say that! I met this absolutely fantastic guy…I haven’t been this happy dating/seeing someone in YEARS. Actually, I would go as far to say that other than my first love, this is the only person who has made me feel this way from the start. It’s kind of scary to me. But it feels so perfect. I just kind of want to cry right now because my heart is filled with an overflowing amount of gratefulness and joy. God is so amazing. I really can’t even put into words how I feel and everything I want to say. Just know that everything is right. And just know that once you stop searching, you will find your peace.

BecausClMBrsZWYAAio5ue of all of these revelations and new found outlooks on life, I thought now more than ever was the perfect time to get the tattoo I’ve been wanting. The lotus has always had a significant meaning for me. But now, it symbolizes my healing–a sort of rebirth–growing out of the muddy waters to emerge as beautiful. I am so completely content with my life. Not only that, I know that I will still remain content even in times of trouble, because I know that no matter what, I will emerge on the other side as a stronger, wiser, and more grounded human being.