Smile On & De-Stress

Although a lot of crappy things have happened to me in the past few weeks, I’ve been encouraged to keep smiling.


There is no point in acting miserable. Sure, you can feel like shit, but you can control the way you act and project yourself–and I don’t want to project myself like, well…shit. So the other day, I got my ass out of bed, did something with my hair and face, ate a delicious breakfast, and took on the day. I smiled the whole time. My mood was elevated more than it’s been in a LONG time! Honestly, even if I’m feeling awful, smiling does make me feel better, along with a lot of other things that I’d like to list in hopes you can find something you enjoy that makes you feel better, too ^.^

  • Get ready for the day. If you’re a girl, maybe take some extra time to put on makeup or do your hair. I know it sounds shallow, but, (at least for me) it makes me feel 100 times better than when I throw on a frumpy sweater and wear my hair in a bun. If you don’t like makeup or doing your hair, maybe try to wear something new. If you’re a guy, take a shower, shave, anything that makes you feel good about how you look!
  • Take a bath. Moreover, try to add Epsom salt and essential oils. Personally, I use essential oils for EVERY problem in my life. Whether it be an issue with my mood, or something physical, they always do the trick. Lavender is great for relaxing. Feel free to check out my website if you’re interested in them!
  • If you don’t have essential oils or aren’t interested in buying them, you can buy Epsom salts already infused with lavender. I’ve bought them at Walmart before–the brand is Dr. Teal’s. Here’s the link! Click
  • Drink an herbal tea. There are even specific ones out there designed to boost your mood! Even if it IS the placebo effect coming into play, at least you do feel better!
  • Work out. It releases endorphins. Yeah, it takes great will power to muster up the motivation to go. But once you’re actually there, you’ll be glad you went.
  • Write in a journal. Whether it be a blank one or one that proposes ideas, it’s a great way to organize your thoughts. And it’s fun! I personally love the 642 Things to Write About Me Journal. It gives you fun prompts and encourages you to write about things that have probably crossed your mind, but that you’ve never actually put down on paper! I got mine at Barnes & Noble, but you can buy it here on Amazon
  • Bake something! It can take your mind off of stress.
  • Make a list. It can be a to-do list, grocery list, whatever you want. It just helps to visualize what you need to do so you don’t feel so overwhelmed.
  • Clean your room. This can also help relieve stress–plus it’s one less thing you’ll have to do later.
  • Create a Pinterest account! It is such a fun website and can really give you some creative ideas on basically any topic you like.
  • Go to a coffee shop. Personally, I like to go and just sit and browse the Internet. Sometimes all you need is a change of scenery to feel better.
  • And lastly…
  • Smile 🙂

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